Final Project Proposal

Final Project Proposal #

With the final project, I would like to explore augmented reality development as I am currently planning to work on something AR-related for my master’s thesis.

Ideas & themes: Physical interaction, generative art, potential invasiveness & obstructiveness of AR content if used in a certain way

“Rikkaruohoja” / “Weeds” (working title) #

The viewer is presented with a whiteboard and a marker. They can draw or write anything they would like. However, virtual flowers / vines / other abstract shapes start appearing on top of their drawings, obstructing (at least partially) the pictures and messages if they are wearing an AR headset. Think invasive species: lupine / kudzu / ipomoea - plants that grow quickly, suffocate other plants and trees and are difficult to get rid of.

I think there is potential for an interesting contrast between a seemingly fun physical interaction with AR (drawing and generating patterns) and the question of censorship with AR technologies. Who gets a say in what is censored or not? The so-called “metaverse” platforms, of course.

While admittedly the idea is not particularly original, it presents an interesting way for me to explore the technologies (and possibly the themes) I (think) I will work with during my thesis.

Below are two concept images that will probably end up making the final product really underwhelming.

Fig. 1 Room setting without the headset. Image on whiteboard by Andreas Fickl on Unsplash.

Fig. 2 With the headset on, holographic weeds will appear on top of the drawings, obscuring what is underneath.

Tools & Technologies #

  • Hololens 2
  • Unreal Engine
  • Blank canvas & painting tools (or just a whiteboard and a marker)

Visual Inspiration #

The New York Public Library / Unsplash
The New York Public Library / Unsplash
S O C I A L . C U T / Unsplash