Project Weeks 2 & 3 #
Weeks 2 and 3 were largely unproductive. I did spend quite a bit of time trying to get the scene understanding capability working, but the documentation was quite lacking and the visualization of meshes was far from the stable utopia that microsoft’s own videos presented. Rather, everything was flickering as seen below:
As for why I began experimenting with spatial mapping, I figured out quite quickly after getting my bearings with Unreal that I was not going to achieve the full idea that I presented; Learning to use a game engine and develop someting for AR is a big enough challenge not even considering machine vision.
Instead, I developed my idea further in the plant-growing direction. The viewer/user could touch different surfaces in the space around them with different kinds of plants beginning to sprout from the touched surfaces. I felt that this would still make for an interesting physical interaction between the viewer and the space they are located in.
Needless to say, by the end of week 3, I felt quite discouraged.